Meet Our Team

St. John's Center is comprised of many Ministry Teams, working together towards the fulfillment of our Vision Statement.  We are always open to new ideas on how we can better share God's word and serve our community.  If you have ideas you would like to share with us, please visit our contact page.  We would love to hear from you!


Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.       1 Corinthians 12:12

Adult Instruction

Is involved in overseeing an intentional approach to adult educational ministry, including adult Sunday school classes, family educational events and retreats, teacher-training and the communication and support of learning opportunities for adults.

Benevolence Team

Has the ongoing authority to recommend the distribution of benevolence giving (financially and manually) with said recommendations coming on the basis of:

  • Having spent and adequate amount of time researching and being educated on the ministries and mission work in question and

  • Having been committed to personal and joint prayer over the request, considerations, and recommendation, and

  • Giving intentional attention to the following emphases:

    • Ministries and mission work that demonstrate a committed effort to identify their work with the gospel of Jesus Christ and its proclamation of salvation and discipleship (Matthew 28:16-20; Luke 24:46-47)

    • Ministries and mission work that are tending to scripturally-identified mandates of seeking to alleviate hunger, thirst, poverty, physical/spiritual/emotional oppression, sickness, loneliness, neglect and the spiritual, physical and emotional pains associated (Isaiah 1:16-17, 58:6-9a; James 1:27,2:14-17; Matthew 25:31-46; Acts 6:1-5; III John 5-8)

    • Ministries and mission work whose locality allow for us an increased opportunity for a meaningful relationship with their ministry and, as much as possible, the recipients of the ministry, as is called for by our church Vision Statement(Provide and environment in Christ whereby one can strengthen and fulfill his/her commitment to a loving relationship with God and others)

    • Ministries and mission work that have demonstrated neediness (financially and/or manually)

Spiritual Council

Has the responsibility to be the Executive body of the church, overseeing the vision of the church in the church’s ministry and spiritual health, and assisting the Senior Pastor in providing spiritual supervision of the congregation.

Fellowship Team

Oversees opportunities for fellowship, socializing, and getting acquainted with each other and members and friends of the congregation.  The purpose is to strengthen the body of Christ through various kinds of fellowship events.

Finance Team

Has the responsibility to transact the financial business of the church, making provisions for the determination of the expenses budget and provide for the auditing of financial accounts and for the adequate support of the staff.

Outreach Team

The outreach team is involved in overseeing an intentional approach to providing resources to those in need of care and mercy spiritually, physically, and materially – among our membership and in the community at large.  We deepen the faith of all those involved by empowering members of St. John’s Center to perform ministries of mercy and by linking them with opportunities for service and support.

Policy and Administration Team

The team reviews, creates, and maintains written policies that are necessary for the proper and organized utilization and administration of church assets such as property and buildings as well as those relating to the functioning church body and paid staff.  The policies help to define roles, responsibilities, expectations and steps for forwarding our church’s ministries.

Primary Instruction Team

Involved in overseeing an intentional child-friendly approach to Sunday school curriculum, activities related to primary children, and providing a child-friendly age –appropriate environment and atmosphere in which primary-age children can learn and be nurtured in their faith and faithfulness

Shepherds Team

Shepherds are committed to the care and support of the active members of St. John’s Center UCC, maintaining regular contact with the members/families and offer care and concern as appropriate.

Technology Team

The technology team is responsible for the integration of technology into the life of the church including worship services, music ministries and administration.  Technology includes, but is not limited to computers, sound system, video and networking. 

Trustee Board

The trustee board shall have the care and custody of the property of the church as a sacred trust, overseeing its accessibility, maintenance, and security.

Worship Team

Has the responsibility, along with the pastor, for the general oversight of the worship activity for the congregation – envisioning, managing, procuring staffing for all that determines and enhances opportunity, atmosphere, and environment of corporate worship.